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About the Launch Event

Managing employee performance is tough. You run a performance review or engagement survey - then what? It can all be a waste if you don’t know how to take action or prove the impact on business results.

While the world keeps screaming for HR to “do more with less,” 15Five is releasing new innovations that make it easy to take the right actions with the right people that will maximize your team’s impact - without adding more to your plate.

Join 15Five’s CEO and product leaders as we reveal the latest evolution of the 15Five platform, including:

  • AI recommendations and workflows that drive bigger results from your existing people programs
  • Customizable analytics and reporting that connect performance management data to business impact in the boardroom
  • Strategic action plans for managers with trackable progress, clear accountability and measurable impact

Register now to be the first to see these brand new enhancements and hear from HR leaders and 15Five customers already driving change and seeing success with these new features.

Register for the Launch Event